Monday, November 10, 2008

RL Avie Challenge

So, I decided to bite the bullet and have a go at the awesome challenge thrown down by the SL bloggers....make your avie look like you do in RL.

As I discovered, it is much harder than it sounds!

After much cursing at the sliders, I finally got a shape similar to mine, although SL's propensity to make cheekbones razor sharp caused a few headaches.

Skin was another issue....this ones a little more tanned than I am, but it was by far the closest I could find. The only thing I did have to do, was photoshop a little colour into the skin's lippy, as the original was very pale, and threw the whole look off.

1 comment:

Moggs Oceanlane said...

I think you did a great job :)

Thanks for sharing.