Monday, November 10, 2008

RL Avie Challenge

So, I decided to bite the bullet and have a go at the awesome challenge thrown down by the SL bloggers....make your avie look like you do in RL.

As I discovered, it is much harder than it sounds!

After much cursing at the sliders, I finally got a shape similar to mine, although SL's propensity to make cheekbones razor sharp caused a few headaches.

Skin was another issue....this ones a little more tanned than I am, but it was by far the closest I could find. The only thing I did have to do, was photoshop a little colour into the skin's lippy, as the original was very pale, and threw the whole look off.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fae Dreamer

Okay, halloween has come and gone, time for costumes and trick or treating.

Except, as mentioned before...we don't do Halloween that much in Australia, and also, I really don't like all the orange and black. I'm not a pumpkin! ffs

But who doesn't like getting to wear something they normally wouldn't wear?
So, in very vague tribute to halloween, I've gone for a dreamy fairy look today.

It was the wings that initially inspired me.
I picked them up as a freebie, and just thought they were so pretty...and the particles weren't over the top annoying, which is a lovely change from most I see!

I teamed it with that gorgeous skin from Frick, and dug through the depths of my inventory (and omg the things I saw!!!) to find the perfect dress, which came in the form of Persephone.

Skin - {Frick} Flourish - Purple Shadow (goth)
Hair - HCT Claudia (White)
Dress- caLLie cLine - Persephone (Powder)
Wings - Frozen Night - Ghost Butterfly Wings (whitesilver)
Lashes - Cake - Bedroom Lashes (tinted)